Human resources is going to look different in 2014, and your clients might not be prepared for it. So if you can help them with the changes that will be coming, you’ll increase your value to them. Here are the changes we see coming down the pike:
The end of the job ad
You’ve known for a while now that placing a job ad in the newspaper is a dying tradition. But your clients might not know that yet, so you can help guide them when they’re looking to fill positions. You can point to the online job postings you do through COATS, if you have that option.
The mass migration
A recent CareerBuilder survey of more than 3,000 full-time workers found that 21% of them are planning—not thinking about, not considering, planning—to change jobs this year. That’s the highest that number has been since 2007, before the Great Recession. Your clients might find themselves with some sudden absences, and you can be incredibly helpful to them at that time.
The talent gap
For several years, employment experts have noted a “talent gap” between the qualifications many employers are looking for and the ones held by job applicants. One of the best ways to address this gap is to develop training programs for new hires and existing employees (to try to retain some of that 21%). A training program is something you can offer your clients, whether you’re advising them on how to develop their own training or you’re doing the training for them.
The brain drain
No, it’s not a drink made with cotton-candy-flavored vodka; it’s a trend that’s harming workplaces across the country. Members of the Baby Boom generation are reaching retirement age, and they’re often taking their years of knowledge with them when they leave. When they’re caught in the day-to-day running of their business, your clients might not realize the danger of the brain drain. You can help them capture that knowledge by recommending mentoring programs, where older workers pass along what they’ve learned to younger workers. Mentoring can also be part of a training program to help close the talent gap.
What other trends do you see coming in 2014?